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Tuesday, September 06, 2005


A friend and I were drinking beer ( see previous post) and wagered to see who could give up plastic the longest. That didn't last long. It was maybe twenty minutes before we gave up (I lost). Plastic is in everything... including the ice cube trays my friend caught me using.

The reason for the naive wager? Plastic can be recylcled,but it often isn't ...and it comes from petroleum.

Toyota ( TM )is about to make bio plastic. Hopefully my car will have less plastic from pertroleum in the future.

Also bio plastic resins are getting better and more useful. Sanyo claims to have made opticle hard disks from bioplastic.

Another difficulty in the wager were the potatochips. Food may come in bioplastic wrappers in the future.

Other bio plastic links:


General BP Site




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