Powering Down Or Up?
Late september the market takes a bounce like a trampoline into november.
In October the stock bounces up or off the side. Hopefully this October it'll bounce up. The economy is growing....BUT...It is dangerous for us to grow too fast! and unsustainable even...so it is really important to find solid earners...ie value stocks... with low growth...like.... an energy or power company!!..or find a brand new market like...alternative energy!!!
Everything else is trading sideways because high P?E's are evry where and most stocks are fully valued.
IDA Idaho Power and Duke Power are examples of power companies that are constant. They can't loose market share...they practically own the power lines. Idaho power (Div = $1.20 or 3.1% Div yeild) has a big interest in fuel cells and alternative energy ......and is partially owned by Bill Gates. Duke is big in the Nuclear sector, which I think I like ....even though it may take mutant bacteria to get rid of the toxic sludge.
NC Greenpower Is where Carolina residents can pay $4 extra on their bill to support alternative energy development. It is a program that buys alternative power to add to the grid through
Advanced Energy
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