World News
The most important world news is not that Ben Bourgeois and Rob Machado surfed in the Reef (VF Corp, VFC $64)contest in Writesville Beach this weekend. (See the wblivesurf link to the right) Vf Corp has grown net income 30% over three years, and although it slowed last year they paid off debt.
World News is getting intense again. I wish I could understand what is going on in the Mid East, but I have a feeling people there do not a have firm understanding of all the complex forces and strategies. Some of these strategies are geopolitical and not religous or a safety concern. I wish aI could also understand the $30 excess in the price per barrell of oil. Is it all geopolitical concers? How much could supply be dissrupted to cause this excess. Demand has decreased (thank y'all) and supplies are up, even in the US gov stock pile.
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